Amazon has launched the Fire TV Cube in India. The device is priced at Rs 12,999. The Fire TV Cube is literally a small black box that sits below your TV. Not only can the Fire TV Cube be used to make your TV into a smart TV, but it also offers hands-free controls for all your Alexa enabled devices.
It has a glossy finish and, on the top, has 6 mics to catch your voice. It has the same blue light we’ve seen on Amazon’s Alexa speakers. Under the hood, the Amazon Fire TV Cube has a Hexa-core processor (Quad-core at up to 2.2GHz + Dual-core at up to 1.9GHz) coupled with 2GB RAM. At the back, the device has an HDMI port to connect to your TV, a power port, an IR port and a micro-USB port. On the top, the Amazon Fire TV Cube has 6 far-field mics to catch your voice. The Fire TV Cube also supports Bluetooth 5.0 and dual-band wi-fi. It has 16GB of built-in storage.